Thursday, December 1, 2011

First Snow

We had our first snow of the season Tuesday night.  The day started with copious amounts of rain, more than two inches in some places, and it was a miserable day with temps in the mid 30's.  By evening the temperatures dipped towards freezing and the rain changed to snow.  With everything still wet from the rain the world was coated in white by Wednesday morning.

The birds, who had been hitting the feeders pretty hard all day Tuesday, returned Wednesday morning for a feast.  I am always surprised to see my feathered friends after such a nasty night.  I fear they will get frozen to a branch or encased in ice.  But they know how to take care of themselves, and after the snow they come in droves.

Female Northern Cardinal

We have a crab apple tree off the balcony and many birds perch there while waiting their turns at the feeders. It's a wonderful opportunity to watch them and get some pics.

Chipping Sparrow and House Finch

Who can resist the beautiful red bird on a branch with tiny red apples?

Male Northern Cardinal

The Goldfinches are still gorgeous, even in their drab winter plumage. This one perched on a dogwood out the side window.

Male Goldfinch

No winter morning in the north would be complete without the jays.  I know many people don't like these birds but I think they are beautiful and I admire their intelligence.

Blue Jay

Oh, how I do love winter!

1 comment:

  1. These birds look great on their snowy backdrops!
