This is a list of all species I either heard or saw in Michigan during 2021. Some photos are with my Canon, others are digiscoped using my iPhone 11 and my Vortex Razor UHD 27-60x85 spotting scope (often at ranges that resulted in horrible yet identifiable images). As I've been compiling this list I am wishing I'd made a greater effort to photograph every bird I saw, but there were days when just doing a big year were utterly overwhelming and dealing with my camera was more than I could manage.
♥ denotes new Michigan bird
♦ denotes a new life bird
♪ denotes bird identified by song (at least for its initial ID--many were later seen)
318: Northern Hawk Owl, Chippewa County
317: Eastern Screech Owl, Baldwin
316: Common Eider, Marquette Lower Harbor ♥
315: Townsend's Solitaire, Whitefish Point
314: Sprague's Pipit, Whitefish Point ♥ ♦
313: White-Winged Crossbill, Whitefish Point ♥
312: Red Phalarope, Muskegon Wastewater ♥ ♦
311: Western Tanager, Holland State Park ♥
310: Harris's Sparrow, Private residence, Manistee ♥ ♦
309: Ash-throated Flycatcher, Whitefish Point ♥ ♦
308: Nelson's Sparrow, Corey Marsh, Lansing ♥ ♦
307: Marbled Godwit, Whiting Overlook, Midland ♥
306: Rufus Hummingbird, Private residence, Saginaw ♥
305: Red-throated Loon, Whitefish Point ♥
304: American Golden Plover, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
303: Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
302: Red Knot, Bay City State Park ♥
301: Red-necked Phalarope, Houghton Lake Sewage Ponds ♥
300: Wood Stork, Mason County ♥
299: Cattle Egret, Bay City State Park ♥
298: Roseate Spoonbill, Saline ♥
297: Short-billed Dowitcher, Muskegon SGA/Lane's Landing
296: White-winged Dove, Kalamazoo ♥
295: Laughing Gull, Pte Mouillee SGA ♥
294: Lincoln's Sparrow, Farm Truck Trail, Chippewa Co ♪
293: Red Crossbill, Whitefish Point ♥
292: Northern Saw-whet Owl, Wild Cat Road, Chippewa Co ♥ ♪ ♦
291: LeConte's Sparrow, Munuscong WMA, Chippewa Co ♪
290: Lark Sparrow, St. Joseph Co ♪
289: Mississippi Kite, Cherry Hill Nature Preserve, Superior Twp ♥
288: Henslow's Sparrow, Conservancy Farm, Superior Twp ♥ ♪
287: Northern Goshawk, Roscommon
286: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Bay Co ♥
285: Kirtland's Warbler, West Branch ♪
284: Bell's Vireo, Benton Harbor ♥ ♪
283: Worm-eating Warbler, Allegan SGA, Swan Creek (also 300th life bird for Michigan) ♥ ♪
282: Yellow-breasted Chat, Edmore SGA ♥ ♪
281: Snowy Egret, Quinecassee SWA ♥
280: Prairie Warbler, Sleeping Bear Dunes ♥ ♪
279: Baird's Sandpiper, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
278: Grasshopper Sparrow, Muskegon Wastewater Facility ♥
277: Dickcissel, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
276: Cerulean Warbler, Wood Trail, Logan Twp ♪
275: Acadian Flycatcher, Brighton Rec Area ♪
274: Hooded Warbler, Brighton Rec Area ♪
273: Yellow-crowned Night-heron, Waterworks Park, Ypsilanti ♥
272: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, at home, Bitely ♪
271: Piping Plover, Whitefish Point
270: Ruff, Whitefish Point
269: White-rumped Sandpiper, Whitefish Point ♥ ♦
268: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Tawas Point State Park
267: Canada Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
266: Common Nighthawk, Tawas Point State Park
265: Whimbrel, Tawas Point State Park ♥
264: Semipalmated Sandpiper, Tawas Point State Park
263: Philadelphia Vireo, Tawas Point State Park
262: Blackpoll Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
261: Black Tern, Tawas Lake
260: Olive-sided Flycatcher, Tawas Point State Park ♥ ♦
259: Alder Flycatcher, Tawas Point State Park
258: Northern Mockingbird, Tawas Point State Park ♥
257: Eastern Wood-pewee, at home, Bitely ♪
256: Mourning Warbler, Tawas Point State Park ♥ ♪
255: Black-throated Blue Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
254: Wilson's Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
253: Black-bellied Plover, Tawas Point State Park
252: Sanderling, Tawas Point State Park
251: Ruddy Turnstone, Tawas Point State Park
250: Common Tern, Tawas Point State Park
249: Magnolia Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
248: Least Bittern, Tawas Point State Park ♥ ♪
247: Gray-cheeked Thrush, Tawas Point State Park ♪
246: Bay-breasted Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
245: Blackburnian Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
244: Golden-winged Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
243: Clay-colored Sparrow, Tawas Point State Park
242: Orchard Oriole, Tawas Point State Park
241: Chestnut-sided Warbler, Tawas Point State Park
240: Red-eyed Vireo, 16 Mile at Cedar Swamp ♪
239: Black-billed Cuckoo, at home, Bitely
238: Scarlet Tanager, at home, Bitely
237: Eastern Whip-poor-will, at home, Bitely ♪
236: Willow Flycatcher, Ludington State Park
235: Veery, Ludington State Park
234: Swainson's Thrush, Ludington State Park
233: Stilt Sandpiper, Climax ♥
232: Blue Grosbeak, Detroit International Wildlife Refuge ♪
231: Eastern Kingbird, Detroit International Wildlife Refuge
230: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Lake St. Clair Metropark
229: Tennessee Warbler, Lake St. Clair Metropark
228: Neotropic Cormorant, Lake St. Clair Metropark ♥
227: Wilson's Phalarope, Stockbridge ♥
226: Least Sandpiper, Maple River SGA, Gratiot Co.
225: American Pipit, Motz County Park,
224: Indigo Bunting, at home, Bitely
223: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, at home, Bitely
222: Bobolink, Beaver Creek at Dickinson Rd, Beaver Twp
221: Wood Thrush, Brighton Rec Area ♪
220: Summer Tanager, Red Oaks Nature Center, Madison Heights ♥
219: Cape May Warbler, Red Oaks Nature Center, Madison Heights
218: Least Flycatcher, Red Oaks Nature Center, Madison Heights ♪
217: Brewer's Blackbird, E. Townline Rd, Free Soil
216: Spruce Grouse, N. Preacher Rd, Paradise ♥
215: Vesper Sparrow, W. Vermillion Rd, Paradise
214: Merlin, Taquamenon Rivermouth Campground, Paradise
213: Baltimore Oriole, at home, Bitely
212: American Redstart, at home, Bitely
211: Prothonotary Warbler, Millennium Park, Grand Rapids ♥
210: Kentucky Warbler, Kleinstuck Park, Kalamazoo ♥ ♦
209: Black-throated Green Warbler, Kleinstuck Park, Kalamazoo ♪
208: Yellow-throated Vireo, 16 Mile wet meadow, Bitely ♪
207: Ovenbird, 16 Mile at Cedar Creek, Bitely ♪
206: Blue-winged Warbler, 16 Mile at Cedar Creek, Bitely
205: Nashville Warbler, 16 Mile at Cedar Creek, Bitely ♪
204: White-eyed Vireo, Black Lake Park, Norton Shores ♥
203: Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Black Lake Park, Norton Shores
202: Green Heron, Lane's Landing, Muskegon SGA
201: Upland Sandpiper, Muskegon Wastewater Facility ♥
200: Louisiana Waterthrush, Aman Park, Grand Rapids ♥
199: Chimney Swift, Aman Park, Grand Rapids
198: Cliff Swallow, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
197: Brown Thrasher, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
196: Great-crested Flycatcher, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
195: Warbling Vireo, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
194: House Wren, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie ♪
193: Gray Catbird, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
192: Common Yellowthroat, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie ♪
191: Northern Parula, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie ♪
190: Palm Warbler, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
189: Northern Waterthrush, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
188: Western Sandpiper, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie ♥
187: Willet, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie ♥
186: American Avocet, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie ♥
185: Common Gallinule, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood
184: Sedge Wren, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood
183: Yellow Warbler, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood
182: White-throated Sparrow, at home, Bitely
181: Marsh Wren, Conrad Rd Marsh, Ludington
180: Black and White Warbler, 16 Mile at wet meadow, Bitely ♪
179: Orange-crowned Warbler, 16 Mile at wet meadow, Bitely
178: Semi-palmated Plover, 8th Street pond, Martin
177: White-crowned Sparrow, 8th Street pond, Martin
176: Spotted Sandpiper, Three Oaks Sewage Ponds
175: Yellow-headed Blackbird, Three Oaks Sewage Ponds
174: Hudsonian Godwit, Three Oaks Sewage Ponds ♥
173: Blue-headed Vireo, North Country Trail, White Cloud ♪
172: Pine Warbler, North Country Trail, White Cloud ♪
171: Bank Swallow, Reeds Lake, Grand Rapids
170: Black-crowned Night-Heron, Reeds Lake, Grand Rapids
169: Virginia Rail, Upper Macatawa Natural Area, Zeeland ♪
168: American Bittern, Upper Macatawa Natural Area, Zeeland
167: Hermit Thrush, Upper Macatawa Natural Area, Zeeland
166: Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Nayanquing SGA, Fraser
165: Tri-colored Heron, Nayanquing SGA, Fraser ♥
164: Eared Grebe, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood ♥
163: Long-billed Dowitcher, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood ♥
162: Glossy Ibis, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood ♥
161: White-faced Ibis, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood ♥
160: Sora, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood ♪
159: Forster's Tern, Pte. Mouille SGA, Rockwood
158: Osprey, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
157: American White Pelican, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
156: Peregrine Falcon, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
155: Yellow-rumped Warbler, Erie Marsh Preserve, Erie
154: Long-eared Owl, Ella Sharpe Park, Jackson
153: Solitary Sandpiper, D Drive South, East Leroy
152: Black-necked Stilt, D Drive South, East Leroy ♥
151: Purple Martin, Snug Harbor, Muskegon
150: Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Snug Harbor, Muskegon
149: Little Blue Heron, Snug Harbor, Muskegon ♥
148: Winter Wren, Hemlock Campground, Cadillac ♪
147: Eurasian Wigeon, Hemlock Campground, Cadillac ♥ ♦
146: Chipping Sparrow, at home, Bitely
145: Lesser Black-backed Gull, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
144: Caspian Tern, South Haven beach
143: Eurasian Collared Dove, someone's backyard, Three Oaks ♥
142: Fish Crow, Three Oaks near sewage ponds ♥
141: Barn Swallow, Three Oaks
140: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, at home, Bitely
139: Swamp Sparrow, 16 Mile at wet meadow, Bitely ♪
138: Purple Finch, at home, Bitely
137: Dunlin, Maple River SGA, Fowler
136: Pectoral Sandpiper, Maple River SGA, Fowler ♥
135: Lesser Yellowlegs, Maple River SGA, Fowler
134: Double-crested Cormorant, Maple River SGA, Fowler
133: Great Egret, roadside pond, Addison
132: Savannah Sparrow, Schoonover WPA, Morenci ♪
131: Field Sparrow, Schoonover WPA, Morenci ♪
130: Ring-necked Pheasant, Schoonover WPA, Morenci ♪
129: Whooping Crane, Ranger Highway, Morenci ♥ ♦
128: Broad-winged Hawk, 96th Street, Baldwin
127: Wilson's Snipe, Gerald R. Ford Airport, Grand Rapids ♥ ♪
126: Black Vulture, 139th Ave, Wayland ♥
125: Eastern Towhee, at home, Bitely
124: Common Loon, at home, Bitely ♪
123: Fox Sparrow, at home, Bitely
122: Greater Yellowlegs, Maple River SGA, Fowler
121: Great Blue Heron, Maple River SGA, Fowler
120: Northern Flicker, Maple River SGA, Fowler
119: Tree Swallow, Maple River SGA, Fowler
118: Blue-winged Teal, Maple River SGA, Fowler
117: American Wigeon, Maple River SGA, Fowler
116: Pied-billed Grebe, Maple River SGA, Fowler
115: Eastern Phoebe, 16 Mile at Cedar Creek, Bitely
114: Western Meadowlark, Allegan SGA, Allegan ♥
113: Red-necked Grebe, Sleeping Bear Bay, Glen Arbor
112: American Woodcock, 17 Mile at Cedar Creek
111: Turkey Vulture, 20 Mile Rd, Barryton
110: Ross's Goose, W. Vernon Rd, Weidman
109: Cackling Goose, W. Vernon Rd, Weidman ♥
108: Great Horned Owl, Island Park, Ann Arbor
107: Eastern Meadowlark, Crandell Park, Charlotte
106: Rusty Blackbird, S Perky Road, Charlotte
105: Brown-headed Cowbird, Millennium Park, Grand Rapids
104: Common Grackle, Millennium Park, Grand Rapids
103: Killdeer, Woodland Mall, Kentwood ♪
102: Sharp-tailed Grouse, E 22 Mile Rd, Pickford
101: Barred Owl, at home, Bitely
100: Glaucous Gull, Muskegon Wastewater Facility ♥
99: Green-winged Teal, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
98: Northern Shoveler, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
97: Red-winged Blackbird, at home, Bitely
96: Cedar Waxwing, Northend Riverside Park, Big Rapids
95: Northern Pintail, Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery, Mattawan ♥
94: Ring-neck Duck, Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery, Mattawan
93: American Coot, Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery, Mattawan
92: Wood Duck, Custer Dr/Kalamazoo River, Springfield
91: Barrow's Goldeneye, Custer Dr/Kalamazoo River, Springfield ♥
90: American Robin, Custer Dr/Kalamazoo River, Springfield
89: Belted Kingfisher, Custer Dr/Kalamazoo River, Springfield ♪
88: Greater White-fronted Goose, Montegue ♥
87: Canada Jay, Peshekee Grade, McCormic Wilderness, Champian ♥
86: Black-backed Woodpecker, Peshekee Grade, McCormic Wilderness, Champian ♥ ♦
85: Boreal Chickadee, Peshekee Grade, McCormic Wilderness, Champian ♥
84: Cooper's Hawk, M-63, Coloma
83: Harlequin Duck, Tiscornia Park, St. Joseph ♥
82: King Eider, Tiscornia Park, St. Joseph ♥ ♦
81: Iceland Gull, Boardman Lake/Logan's Landing, Traverse City ♥ ♦
80: Lapland Longspur, 128th Ave, Allegan Co
79: Snow Bunting, 128th Ave, Allegan Co
78: House Finch, 17 Mile Road, Reed City
77: Pine Siskin, 17 Mile Road, Reed City
76: Horned Lark, 128th Ave, Allegan Co
75: Sharp-shinned Hawk, at home, Bitely
74: Red-breasted Nuthatch, at home, Bitely
73: Yellow-throated Warbler, Elm Street, Frankfort ♥
72: Surf Scoter, Pere Marquette Park, Muskegon ♥
71: White-winged Scoter, Muskegon River Channel, Muskegon ♥
70: Evening Grosbeak, at home, Bitely
69: Tundra Swan, Pere Marquette Park, Muskegon
68: Horned Grebe, Muskegon River Channel, Muskegon ♥
67: Varied Thrush, Bar Lake Road, Manistee ♥
66: Snow Goose, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
65: Ruddy Duck, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
64: Golden Eagle, Muskegon Wastewater Facility ♥
63: Eastern Bluebird, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
62: Golden-crowned Kinglet, at home, Bitely
61: American Black Duck, Hart Wastewater Treatment Facility
60: Brown Creeper, at home, Bitely
59: Lesser Scaup, Tiscornia Park, St. Joseph
58: Song Sparrow, Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery, Mattawan
57: Trumpeter Swan, Gull Lake, Richland
56: Canvasback, Gull Lake, Richland
55: Hooded Merganser, Gull Lake, Richland
54: Sandhill Crane, Gull Lake, Richland ♪
53: Ruffed Grouse, Inspiration Point, Pigeon River State Forest
52: Bohemian Waxwing, Inspiration Point, Pigeon River State Forest ♥ ♦
51: Pine Grosbeak, Inspiration Point, Pigeon River State Forest ♥
50: American Kestrel, Fruit Ridge Ave NW, Sparta
49: Smew, Monroe Rd, Allegan ♥ ♦
48: Bonaparte's Gull, Monroe Rd, Allegan
47: Black Scoter, Pere Marquette Park, Muskegon ♥
46: Purple Sandpiper, Pere Marquette Park, Muskegon
45: Gadwall, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
44: Snowy Owl, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
43: Hoary Redpoll, Muskegon Wastewater Facility
42: Northern Shrike, Walkinshaw Wetlands, Walkerville
41: Wild Turkey, M-20, Freemont
40: Carolina Wren, at home, Bitely ♪
39: Canada Goose, Reeds Lake, East Grand Rapids
38: Red-tailed Hawk, US 131, Rockford
37: Northern Harrier, Walkinshaw Wetlands, Walkerville
36: Short-eared Owl, Walkinshaw Wetlands, Walkerville
35: Long-tailed Duck, Pentwater Breakwall, Pentwater
34: Redhead, Pentwater Lake and Harbor, Pentwater
33: Greater Scaup, Pentwater Lake and Harbor, Pentwater
32: Common Merganser, Pentwater Lake and Harbor, Pentwater
31: Red-breasted Merganser, Pentwater Lake and Harbor, Pentwater
30: Ring-billed Gull, Pentwater Lake and Harbor, Pentwater
29: Mute Swan, Pentwater Lake, Pentwater
28: Mallard, Pentwater Lake, Pentwater
27: Bufflehead, Pentwater Lake, Pentwater
26: Common Goldeneye, Pentwater Lake, Pentwater
25: Rock Pigeon, 204th Ave at Beaver Creek Walkerville
24: Rough-legged Hawk, 204th Ave at Beaver Creek Walkerville
23: Common Raven, 204th Ave at Beaver Creek Walkerville
22: Bald Eagle, Manistee National Forest
21: European Starling, 11 Mile Rd east of Comstock, Bitely
20: Common Redpoll, 11 Mile Rd east of Comstock, Bitely
19: House Sparrow, Up North Gifts, Bitely
18: American Tree Sparrow, at home, Bitely
17: Herring Gull, 1st Street Pier, Manistee
16: Great Black-backed Gull, 1st Street Pier, Manistee
15: Red-shouldered Hawk, at home, Bitely
14: Mourning Dove, at home, Bitely
13: Red-headed Woodpecker, at home, Bitely
12: Red-bellied Woodpecker, at home, Bitely
11: Downy Woodpecker, at home, Bitely
10: Pileated Woodpecker, at home, Bitely
9: Hairy Woodpecker, at home, Bitely
8: Blue Jay, at home, Bitely
7: American Crow, at home, Bitely
6: Black-capped Chickadee, at home, Bitely
5: Tufted Titmouse, at home, Bitely
4: White-breasted Nuthatch, at home, Bitely
3: American Goldfinch, at home, Bitely
2: Dark-eyed Junco, at home, Bitely
1: Northern Cardinal, at home, Bitely