Wednesday, August 18, 2010

From the Backyard

The heat wave has finally passed here in SE Michigan, and I spent the morning a few days back out playing with my new lens. I had found a patch of milkweed the day before with monarch caterpillars busily munching away. I'll be keeping an eye on this bunch!

Note the frass, or caterpillar poop, on the leaf by their heads.

This adult monarch was sunning itself in an autumn olive.

We planted five big bluestem plants last year at the top of a small rise near some black cherry trees as an experiment to see how they'd do. I was thrilled to see them blooming, and plan on clearing some of the ground around these plants in the hopes that they will self-sow. This native grass grows to over seven feet tall--these were around six.

After four years of not mowing every inch of the property as the previous owners had, some native plants are starting to return.

Hairy bush clover,

round-headed bush clover,

and slender bush clover have all cropped up.

Thanks, Julie Zickafoose, for your timely post of a link to a great pdf of Ohio's dragonflies and damselflies! This is a spreadwing damselfly, though not sure whether southern or northern.

This amazing spiderweb glowed in the morning sun.

And the wren rambles on.


  1. Thanks for sharing those lovely photos - and it is always a wonder to see a spiderweb.
    Cheers `)

  2. I learn so much from your posts, Marie. Hadn't a clue frass was caterpillar the word Frass, can do much with it, softer in a narrative. And, honey chle, if the damselfly flutters a lot, she's southern!
