Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Artwork--A Whole Bunch of Stuff for Florida

I was really hoping to get one more Alaska post in before I had to leave for Florida, but it's not gonna happen. I've been busting my tail for two weeks getting ready for two shows there: Mount Dora February 7th and 8th, and Sanibel Island February 14th and 15th. I've never done two shows back to back without coming home in between, so there has been a lot to do before I leave, which is already a day later than I wanted to.

I have a whole bunch of new artwork that needed scanning, matting, and framing. Then I made prints of all the new stuff (I do all my reproductions in-house) and it all needed matting. Also, I haven't done a show in four months, so I needed to restock older inventory--more matting and framing. Then there's prepping the camper, loading the van, packing clothes, paying bills, shoveling snow.... You get the idea. There's just been no time for blogging!

I decided to post the new work since it's quick to do. All of this new work can be seen--and ordered!--on my website following the link to the right of this post. These pieces were all done to target the Florida audience, although some of the birds are found in other places. They were all photographed in Florida, with the exception of the mockingbird, which was photographed in Piedmont Park in Atlanta last fall. However, it is Florida's state bird, so I figured it was a good one to have.

I'll get back to the Alaska posts by March.

"High Stepper" (American Bittern) 12x15.5, framed to 16x20, $990.00
Reproductions available

"The Bluest Eye" (Brown Pelican) 7x12, framed to 11x16, $575.00
Reproductions available

"Pokin' Around" (Northern Mockingbird) 12x8, framed to 16x12, $600.00
Reproductions available

"Scrubby" (Florida Scrub Jay) 8x10, framed to 11x14, $495
Reproductions available

"Thornless" (Roseate Spoonbill) 14x20, framed to 18x24, $1,400.00
Reproductions available